Our prefered destinationle from Le Mas g'Ardéchois. The landscape is stoning, every day, every season.

Origins and Construction:
The Château de Banne was built in the 12th century by the de Banne family, a noble family from the region.
Construction spanned several centuries, with ongoing additions and modifications.
The castle began as a simple fortress but was transformed into a residential chateau over time.
Historical Significance and Role:
The Château de Banne was one of the most important castles in Vivarais, a former French province.
It served as the headquarters for numerous lordships and played a significant role in the region's history.
Notably, the castle was used as a military base during the Wars of Religion.
Destruction and Remains:
The Château de Banne was set ablaze and destroyed in 1792 during the French Revolution.
Today, only ruins remain, including the keep, towers, and perimeter walls.
The castle ruins have been classified as a historical monument since 1984.
Additional Information:
The Château de Banne sits on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Ganière Valley.
It offers a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding countryside.
Guided tours of the castle ruins are organized during the summer.
Legends and Anecdotes:
The Château de Banne is the subject of many local legends.
One popular tale involves a white lady haunting the castle ruins.
The Château de Banne has served as a backdrop for several films and television series.
